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Bukovnik Intellectual Property Consulting

Bukovnik IP Consulting S.p.r.l. (LLC) is a Brussels based consulting company providing legal services in intellectual property rights protection and enforcement, anti-counterfeiting, unfair competition, consumer and data protection, and marketing requirements in Central and Eastern Europe (EU and non-EU countries) and Western Balkans*.


With extensive experience and understanding of local legal and business environments, Bukovnik IP Consulting provides high quality and complete legal advice which will help you asses your business risks and opportunities, ensure compliance with local regulations, and efficiently protect and manage your intellectual property assets.

* In particular Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and others.

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Our Services

Efficient management of intellectual property assets requires good organisation of internal processes, a well-coordinated and well-trained in-house team, and effective cooperation with outside counsels. Bukovnik IP Consulting offers a range of services which will allow you to reach the optimum intellectual property rights (IPR) management suiting your needs and goals.

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All-inclusive IPR management support service

The service we provide goes beyond a traditional IP consultancy. We apply our knowledge, expertise and strengths to your benefit, not as a mere agent, but as a part of your team coordinating work in multiple jurisdictions on your behalf and with your best interests in mind. At the same time, we can assist in developing your in-house IP department to help you manage your IP assets.


IPR management


When faced with budget or workload constrains, HR limitations, or if you simply want to concentrate your team’s efforts on other projects, our all-inclusive IPR management service allows you to fully outsource part of your IP related work to Bukovnik IP Consulting. While you stay in control of all decisions important for your business, Bukovnik IP Consulting can handle logistics and enforcement of your strategic decisions in any and all Central and Eastern European and Western Balkans countries. Instead of hiring and dedicating an in-house lawyer to handle your activities in unfamiliar jurisdictions, Bukovnik IP Consulting can coordinate and supervise all local work for you in a cost effective manner. This service goes beyond a case-to-case engagement and offers a complete and long-lasting coverage of your portfolio in these countries.


Consider us a part of your team, share with us the information necessary for IPR enforcement and/or prosecution, and we will deliver solutions in line with your strategies and interests.


IP Department development


With extensive experience in advising corporate clients, we can assist in creating, improving or strengthening your internal IPR management and advising on most efficient ways to handle your IP assets. This includes improvements to your databases and follow-up systems, creating standardised report forms, improving coordination of work with your outside counsels, and increasing effectiveness of enforcement processes by applying best practices.

Intellectual Property Consulting

Specialising in IPR protection and enforcement in Central and Eastern Europe (EU and non-EU countries) and Western Balkans, with in-debt knowledge and understanding of local IP legal practices and markets, Bukovnik IP Consulting can advise on any contentious and non-contentious matters by addressing relevant business and legal risks. This will enable you to make an informed decision in a particular case and/or to develop most appropriate business strategies. Guided by a business savvy approach and with attention to your specific interests Bukovnik IP Consulting will provide you with a commercially useful and practical advice which will go beyond a pure legal opinion.


When your business is faced with a pressing legal issue in any or several of the jurisdictions we cover, Bukovnik IP Consulting will coordinate work done at a local level and ensure the highest quality of IP services. By having a central point of contact for multiple jurisdictions, you will receive legal advice and reports tailored to your preferences. This will allow you to easily asses your options across several jurisdictions, make a fast and informed decision, and enforce your rights more effectively.

HR Solutions

Building your IP team can be a challenge. It is not always easy to find and train new IP professionals and to get the best out of them. Bukovnik IP Consulting can help you find the right person to join your team by advising you during the recruitment process. We will also help you prepare an IP training plan for your new colleague and organise or re-organise work based on the strengths of individual team-members.

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Andrej Bukovnik

Intellectual Property Lawyer

European Trademark and Design Attorney

Slovenian Trademark and Design Attorney

Prior to establishing Bukovnik IP Consulting S.p.r.l., Andrej worked for over 13 years in large law firms in Slovenia and Belgium specialising in intellectual property rights prosecution and enforcement in Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Western Balkans. He was a client account manager for major multinational corporations and handled complex cases requiring legal advice in multiple jurisdictions. Andrej has several years of managerial experience in a multi-national IP law firm.


Andrej also worked as a senior judicial counselor in Ljubljana and having passed the Slovenian State Legal Exam (Bar Exam) he represents clients before Slovenian courts and administrative bodies.




Native: Slovenian, Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian/Montenegrin

Proficient: English

Basic: French, German, Spanish




  • Presentation at INTA Roundtable "Enforcement of Regulation (EU) No 608/2013: A Step in the Right Direction. Some Improvements for Brand Owners" in Sofia, Bulgaria on November 12, 2015.

  • Presentation at INTA Roundtable "Trademark Use – Important Aspects" in Podgorica, Montenegro on November 4, 2014.

  • "Slovenia - Recent Landmark Case and Its Consequences", Webinar on Customs Enforcement in Southeast Europe, BrightTALK, March 14, 2013

  • "Lessons learned from Slovenia's accession to the EU", Webinar on Effect of EU Enlargement on Trademark Practice in Southeast Europe, BrightTALK, July 25, 2012




  • Contributor to "WJP Rule of Law Index 2016". World Justice Project. (2016)

  • "New EUTM Regulation: Implications for Goods in Transit". IP Frontline. (April 15, 2016)

  • "Slovenia Amends Unfair Competition Legislation". Lexology. Globe Business Media Group. (January 28, 2016)

  • "New industrial property institutions and procedures act to enter into force in Latvia." IPFrontline. (November 23, 2015)

  • Authored the chapter "Slovenia". Community Design Regulation — A Commentary. C.H. Beck – Hart – Nomos. (2015, 2018)

  • Authored the chapter "Slovenia". Community Trade Mark Regulation — A Commentary. C.H. Beck – Hart – Nomos. (2015, 2018)

  • Contributor for Slovenia to WJP Rule of Law Index 2014. World Justice Project. (2014)

  • "Supreme Court of Slovenia Rules on Destruction and Storage Costs in Customs Cases". World Trademark Review Daily. Globe Business Media Group. (Oct. 2014)

  • "Patent Applications Increase, But Trademark and Design Applications Decrease in 2013". World Trademark Review Daily. Globe Business Media Group. (May 2014)

  • "Slovenian Court Issues Surprising Decision Regarding Storage and Destruction Costs". World Trademark Review Daily. IP Media Group (March 20, 2013)

  • "Amendments to Lithuanian Trademark Law Come into Force". World Trademark Review Daily. IP Media Group (March 15, 2013)

  • Contributor for Lithuania to the online "Country Survey". Country Index. S.M.D. Markeur. (March, 2013)

  • Co-authored the chapter "Slovenia". Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights through Border Measures: Law and Practice in the EU. Second edition. Oxford University Press (2012)

  • Co-authored the chapter "Slovenia". Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights through Border Measures: Law and Practice in the EU. Oxford University Press (2006)

  • "Border Measures Concerning Infringement of Industrial Property Rights in EU and Slovenia". Legal Practice No. 44. GV Založba (2003)

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Bukovnik IP Consulting S.p.r.l.

Avenue des Courses 22
1050 Brussels, Belgium

+32 476 99 41 28

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